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316 W Boscawen St
Winchester, VA 22601
ph. (540) 722-6800
fax. (540) 722-6801

Real Estate

Modern Technology as a Factor in the Purchase of Real Estate

I was contacted recently by a client who had signed a Contract of Purchase for a property in the country (i.e. outside of city limits). She was devastated to learn that the internet available was inadequate for her very demanding job. Nevertheless, the Seller insisted that she perform under the terms of the Contract of Purchase…

Modern Technology as a Factor in the Purchase of Real Estate Read More »

A small house set on top of a Jenga tower with a person in a business suit pulling a block from the tower.

Why Hire a Real Estate Attorney

If you plan to purchase real estate in Virginia, you should do your due diligence before you close on the property and you should hire a real estate attorney. Absent outright fraud, sellers are not required to disclose, for example, an ongoing disagreement with a neighbor over the use or location of an easement, or a disagreement over a fence on the neighbor’s property. Nor are the sellers required to volunteer that the field next to the property was just sold to a developer…

Why Hire a Real Estate Attorney Read More »